Decarbonisation schemes across Tameside help save money and the planet

Date Released - 23/11/2023

WORK to make public buildings across Tameside more energy efficient is helping save money and the environment.

Tameside Council was successful in a bid for nearly £4million of grant funding through Public Sector Decarbonisation Schemes, to which it’s invested an extra £750,000, to help decarbonise 18 buildings across the borough – 11 Council properties, five schools and two sports centres. Three buildings, including Tameside One, already have solar panels installed.

Air Source Heat Pumps, Solar Panels, LED lighting and improved insulation are being installed to reduce emissions and the amount spent on fuel costs, making business sense while protecting the environment.

Active Hyde is one of the buildings to benefit with new heat pumps, solar panels, LEDs and fabric upgrades helping to reduce both carbon emissions and energy bills. A video created by Greater Manchester Combined Authority showing the improvements and benefits at the leisure centre can be viewed at  

Tameside Council has also been successful in its bid under Phase 1 of the Swimming Pool Support Fund to secure a grant of more than £300,000 to support Active Tameside further by providing revenue support towards utility costs at Active Copley and Active Hyde. And a bid has been submitted for Phase 2 funding to reduce future revenue costs at Denton Wellness Centre and Active Copley. These are one-off funds which try to address financial issues caused by the energy cost crisis.

The Council is working with partner organisations, businesses and residents to achieve the common goal of being carbon neutral in Greater Manchester by 2038.

The Council’s Think Green campaign aims to inspire residents and local businesses to join the journey to a cleaner and greener Tameside.

Councillor Denise Ward, Tameside Council’s Executive Member for Climate Emergency and Environmental Services, said: “Climate change is a vitally important issue that Tameside Council takes extremely seriously. We are already witnessing and feeling the impact, both globally and locally with increased flooding and devastating moorland fires. If we don’t act quickly the consequences will be felt even more by future generations.

“These investments, such as at Active Hyde, will reduce emissions and save money, making both environmental and economic sense. Buildings make up the largest proportion of carbon emissions across Tameside, totaling about 77%, so it’s clear that decarbonising buildings is a key priority that can make a huge impact.

“We need to continue the hard work and accelerate our actions to decarbonise homes, buildings and transport emissions. Even though it’s a challenge, we can all make a difference by changing old habits and embracing new and innovative ways of living to protect our planet.”

The Council’s annual report on greenhouse gas emissions from its estate and operations shows a 58% reduction in carbon emissions since 2008/09.

Residents and businesses can get support and advice on reducing emissions and saving money from the Think Green webpages at