Changes proposed for Council Tax Support Scheme

Date Released - 01/08/2024

Proposed changes to the Council Tax Support Scheme (CTSS) have been announced which aim to simplify the scheme and ensure continued support for the borough’s most financially vulnerable residents.

Under the new proposals, approved by Tameside Council’s Executive Cabinet, claimants’ support will be determined based on income bands, simplifying the process and making it more efficient.

The current scheme costs the council just over £16 million a year. The proposed scheme is designed to be simpler for customers and more cost effective for the council, while also addressing the challenges posed by frequent reassessments required under the existing system - particularly since the migration to Universal Credit.

The scheme will undergo a 12-week consultation process ensuring that the views of all stakeholders are considered. People can take part in the consultation here.

Tameside Council will engage with claimants, the public, and partner organisations through various channels, including online surveys and direct communication.

The proposed changes align with Tameside Council’s anti-poverty strategy and contribute to its commitment to safe, green, and supportive communities, as well as financially sustainable public services.

Cllr Jacqueline North, Tameside Council First Deputy and Executive Member for Finance and Resources, said: “We are committed to supporting our most vulnerable residents. This proposed income-banded scheme will simplify the process, making it easier for residents to understand and access the support they need. It also allows the council to manage the scheme more efficiently, ensuring that we can continue to provide essential services to the community.”

Councils must review their CTSS each year and if revisions are necessary, a draft scheme must be drawn up and consulted upon. The proposed income-banded scheme addresses current challenges and aims to improve the administration and efficiency of the Council Tax Support Scheme.