Be Well Tameside’s upcoming Stoptober stalls

Date Released - 18/09/2024

STOPTOBER has returned and is calling on smokers to try quitting for 28 days, as evidence suggests they are then five times more likely to quit for good.

Be Well Tameside are hosting two stalls to offer support and advice to those wanting to start their journey to stopping smoking.

These will be held on Tuesday 24 September, 10am till 3:30pm, at Ashton-under-Lyne outdoor market and on Thursday 26 September, 10am till 3:30pm, at Hyde outdoor market.

Smoking is the single biggest behavioural cause of preventable illness and death in England.

Quitting smoking can make huge improvements to people’s health and finances. Quitting significantly reduces long-term risk of cancer, lung disease, heart disease and stroke, as well as saving smokers around £3,000 a year.

Be Well Tameside offer a range of support for those wanting to quit smoking, which can also massively boost a smoker’s chances of quitting successfully.

People who live, work or have a GP in Tameside can access free, flexible, face to face or telephone support through Be Well Tameside, as well as offering other stop smoking aids such as, nicotine replacement therapies (patches, gum and lozenges), Zyban and Cytisine.

Be Well Tameside also offer the option of a free vape starter kit and up to 12 weeks-worth of e-liquid alongside behavioural support through the Swap to Stop scheme to give people more options to help them to become smokefree.

Vaping is just one option that smokers have to support them to quit smoking and is one of the most effective tools for quitting smoking.

Whilst vaping is not risk free, switching to vaping is less harmful and significantly reduces exposure to toxins that cause cancer, lung disease, as well as, diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Vapes are only recommended for adult smokers to support them to quit and stay quit.

Residents can get six months free access to 24/7 stop smoking support through the Greater Manchester Smokefree App. Stop smoking support can also be accessed by speaking to your GP or local pharmacy.

Tameside Council Executive Member for Population Health and Wellbeing Cllr Eleanor Wills said: “We’re encouraging all residents to access the support available to them to start their journey to stubbing out their smoking habit for good.

“By getting in touch with our local service, Be Well Tameside, you’re massively boosting your chances of quitting successfully. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health.”

For more information on Be Well Tameside and the support available for stopping smoking contact them today at 0161 342 5050 or email or visit