Young People Celebrated at Education Awards

Date Released - 28/10/2024

Young people in Tameside celebrated their academic, social and community achievements this week at the Virtual Schools Education Awards.

Taking place at Clarendon College in Ashton, the event recognised the success of children and young people in care to the council in both primary and secondary and post 16 education, with nominations received from schools, social workers, foster carers, and the Virtual School team from Tameside Council. The awards also recognised the support given to children and young people by foster carers, designated teachers and social workers, with several adults receiving recognition.

Tameside Civic Mayor, Councillor Betty Affleck was also in attendance to praise the young people for their positive examples of educational accomplishments.

Young people in care can face life challenges that make school more difficult, and so providing a support network to overcome any barriers can help them to fulfil their potential.

A Tameside spokesperson said: "Young people who have been in care are so inspiring and it’s only right that we celebrate their successes as shining examples of what can be achieved with hard work and support. They are a credit to their community and have demonstrated how personal aspirations can be reached with dedication and commitment, which is fantastic to see.”

The awards ceremony was in collaboration with Clarendon College and Tameside College whose students and staff catered for the event, as well as the teams at Strive Academy, The Tutor Trust, Skills4All, UK Military Mentors, Vision for Education, Monarch Education and Millbrook Healthcare. It was also an occasion for other young people to showcase their skills, with the Young People Music group providing the entertainment, and student photographers from the college capturing the images.

To find out more about support for children and families in Tameside, visit