A Week for Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) in our Communities

Date Released - 27/11/2024

A RANGE of activities have taken place in Tameside to reassure our communities that anti-social behaviour (ASB) is not tolerated.

Monday 18 November marked the start of ASB Week, during which Tameside Council highlighted ways that it’s tackling these issues and helping give residents peace of mind.

The week began with council and police officers distributing 150 letters in Ashton-under-Lyne with regard to recent incidents around Millennium Green, in order to  gather information and offer support to victims of anti-social behaviour.

Each day focused on a different theme, including busting myths and focusing on support for victims. Neighbourhood Watch groups were celebrated for the work they do in deterring ASB.

There has also been sessions targeting younger residents, to help prevent youth ASB. Local boxing group, Samsons Gym, received a grant from the Resilient Communities fund to deliver boxing sessions to young people who had been involved in ASB. These sessions aim to educate and guide young people in Tameside onto a positive path in life. The project was a successful pilot scheme for diversionary methods to resolve ASB.

Tameside Council Executive Member for Towns, Transport and Connectivity, Cllr Stephen Homer said: “It is excellent to see our communities taking part in the Anti-Social Behaviour awareness week. We want all our residents to feel safe and respected in their communities. We are focusing on ways we can reduce Anti-Social Behaviour rates in Tameside, as well as highlighting the support for residents who are victims of this.

“Targeting our younger residents is crucial as we raise awareness of the effects and consequences of ASB, whilst learning skills they can apply in their day-to-day lives."

For more information on support visit www.tameside.gov.uk/communitysafety/What-is-Anti-Social-Behaviour