New funding to support music education in local schools

Date Released - 04/12/2024

Tameside has received new funding from Arts Council England to further support the music education for children and young people in the borough.

Tameside Council has been given a capital grant of £119,569 for 2024/26 for the purchase of musical instruments and equipment.

Tameside Music Service has been granted £363,994 for 2024/25 to encourage inclusive practice, to continue to find ways to engage children who experience barriers to accessing music, and to engage other local cultural providers who can help to increase the diversity of the music offer across Tameside.

Tameside Music Service works with over 7,000 young people and adults across the borough.

The funding will also be used to support local children and young people progress in making music.

Through this education it will provide children and young people in Tameside with new and exciting opportunities to learn, perform, and develop their music skills.

Tameside Council Executive Member for Lifelong Learning and Culture, Cllr Leanne Feeley said: “This new funding is of great excitement to us as it will ensure that all children and young people have a high quality, enjoyable and inclusive music education that enables them to achieve their full potential.”

For more information about Tameside Music Service visit