Action taken against rogue businesses after multi-agency swoop

Date Released - 07/03/2025

Enforcement action will be taken against rogue businesses after illicit cigarettes, tobacco and e-cigarettes were seized during multi agency a swoop.


Tameside Council  trading standards and environmental health teams joined police and immigration officers on the crackdown this week where they visited businesses – including barbers, hair salons and vape shops - where concerns have been raised about illegal trading and/or safety.


The strikes were conducted off the back of intelligence gathered as well as information provided by members of the public.


Further action will be taken against a shop where they seized 5,120 illicit cigarettes, 2300g illicit hand rolling tobacco and 485 disposable illegal e-cigarettes. Action will also be taken against a barbers where 340 illicit cigarettes were seized. A prohibition notice was also served on a barbers to prohibit the use of faulty electrical sockets until a full repair is done.


Police and immigration officers also made arrests at some of the premises visited during the operation.


Tameside Council Executive Member for Environmental Services and Neighbourhoods Cllr Laura Boyle said: “This is a great example of our partnership working to protect local people and support legitimate businesses that comply with the law. Thank you to the members of the public who provided information which supported the operation.


“Trade in illicit tobacco and e cigarettes supports crime rings, damages legitimate businesses, undermines public health and facilitates the supply of tobacco to young people. We will always take enforcement action where we find businesses that are not complying with the law and putting our local community at risk. Thank you to the teams involved for your dedication.”