The Department for Education (DfE) have issued Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, on behalf of the Local Area Partnership, with a SEND improvement notice.
The DfE have recognised improvements made over the last year and acknowledge we are on an improvement journey; however, the Local Area Partnership recognises that the pace of improvement has not been sufficient since the SEND local area inspection of October 2021.
Health, education and social care partners have already started working on a new rapid improvement plan to ensure that the required pace is gained, and that Tameside parents, carers, children and young people with SEND have a better experience.
A refreshed SEND Improvement Board with a new independent chair is being established to monitor and drive progress to deliver the improvements against the areas identified. This includes improved timeliness of EHCPs, robust oversight and quality assurance of plans, and the establishment of an additional 143 special support centre school places in the borough from 1st September 2025. Minutes from this new board will be made publicly available on the Local Offer website. A new Improvement partner from another local authority has been identified by the DfE to work with the partnership and help drive progress.
Tameside Council’s Executive Member for Lifelong Learning and Culture, Councillor Leanne Feeley said: “On behalf of the Local Area Partnership, I can assure residents that the Tameside Local Area Partnership are committed making significant and immediate changes to address the SEND improvements needed.”
NHS Greater Manchester chief nurse, Mandy Philbin said: “Health colleagues across a range of partners are committed to improving the experiences and outcomes for children and young people with SEND and will continue to contribute positively to the work of Local Area Partnership.”