Stalybridge Gongoozler Fest promises a weekend of family fun

Date Released - 01/08/2022

HERE’S a weekend of family fun that’s sure to float everyone’s boat – Stalybridge Gongoozler Fest!

Centred around the canal, The Town of Culture event running from 9-11 September will see three days of vibrant events celebrating the arts, heritage and local waterways of Stalybridge and will offer activities and entertainment to suit all ages and tastes.

The festivities, organised by Tameside Council working with The Bridge Cultural Consortium and other partners, start on Friday 9 September 5-9pm with Stalybridge Street Fest, the popular monthly food and drink event in Armentieres Square which will be tantalising appetiser for all the fun to follow.

Saturday 10 September sees the Gongoozal event 10am to 4pm in Armentieres Square. A gongoozler is “a person who enjoys watching activity on canals” and there will be lots to keep canal enthusiasts entertained as well as so much more.

From professional street performers to live music, there will be something for everyone including free arts and craft activities for children and young people. The town will be welcoming barges along the canal alongside canoeing and numerous community groups and organisations will be sharing their work and performing.

The weekend will culminate in a spectacular finale on Sunday 11 September 2-3pm with the Town of Culture Cotton Carnival. Mossley based arts organisation Global Grooves will recreate their magical, globally inspired part in the Queen’s Jubilee Pageant, which was themed around the ‘Sharing of Gifts’.

It’s not too late to get involved in the carnival - Global Grooves hopes to recruit over 200 local people as dancers, drummers, brass players and puppeteers.’s to take part and is encouraging schools, community groups, families and individuals to sign up. See for more information.

Tameside Council Assistant Executive members for Culture, Heritage and Digital Inclusion Cllr Sangita Patel said: “I’m so excited about Gongoozler Fest – it will bring a fabulous festival atmosphere to the town while also being something inherently unique to Staybridge and its waterways, landscape, heritage and people.

 “It is just one of our many Town of Culture summer events, which are bringing so many wonderful opportunities for residents, visitors and businesses and we encourage people to get involved.”

Gongoozler Fest is a Smokefree event. Visitors are thanked in advance for not smoking at the event helping to keep Tameside smokefree and healthy for children and families.

For more information see