Continued success in supporting rough sleepers

Date Released - 02/12/2022

The number of rough sleepers across Tameside continue to be very low a recent count has revealed.


Tameside Council’s Rough Sleeper Team carried out the Annual Rough Sleeper Count across the borough from midnight last Thursday (24 November) and located four rough sleepers.


This figure is very low in comparison to the 2018 count – the first carried out by the then newly introduced Rough Sleeper Team - which found 45 rough sleepers in the borough.


The total rough sleeper account on 24 November 2022 across Greater Manchester was 97.


Tameside’s Rough Sleeping Service works with people who are rough sleeping, homeless or at risk of homelessness. The team work with rough sleepers to encourage them to come to the Town House night shelter in Ashton for a bed every night, hot meal, shower and support to find suitable accommodation as well address other needs such as mental health support, drug and alcohol support to assistance with applying for benefits.


Working with third party organisations the team endeavour to support people into accommodation that is right for them and the level of support they need.


Each year every borough in the country carries out an Annual Rough Sleepers Count strictly in accordance with government criteria and guidance. This snapshot provides information about the estimated number of people sleeping rough on a single night each year and some basic demographics details (age, gender, nationality).


These statistics provide a way of estimating the number of people sleeping rough across England on a single night and assessing change over time.


Tameside’s Rough Sleeper Service uses intelligence gathered through their day to day duties and from the general public when carrying out the local count. They split up into several teams to search the local areas for people rough sleeping and anyone they find is offered - and encouraged to accept - support.


Tameside Council Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Homelessness and Inclusivity Cllr John Taylor said: “While every person sleeping rough is one person too many, I’m reassured to see that in Tameside the figure is very low and this is a testament to the dedicated efforts of our rough sleeper team and their community partners who work tirelessly to support people and give them tailored help for their individual needs to support them in getting into a better position for the longer term.


“This may be an annual count, but the work continues throughout the year to identify rough sleepers and encourage them to come to the Town House and receive support.”


If you know of anyone who is or is at risk of rough sleeping in Tameside you can contact Tameside Councils Rough Sleeping Team as follows:

·         Visit Tameside Housing Advice, 119-125 Old Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Tameside OL6 7RL

·         Call: 0161 342 2700

·         Download the referrals form and email to

·         Out of Hours call: 0161 342 2700 (Mon–Wed 5pm to 9am, Thu 5pm to 10pm, Fri-Mon 4pm to 9am)