Council Puts its Name to Anti-poverty Strategy

Date Released - 16/03/2023

BUILDING Resilience – Tackling Poverty in Tameside” is the name of the new charter detailing Tameside Health and Wellbeing Board’s strategy for combating hardship in the borough.

It was approved at the March 16 meeting when it was signed by members as a symbolic show of support and commitment. The board will oversee its implementation over the next four years.

The charter sets out a 10-point strategy to reduce poverty in Tameside by 2027. Its aims include raising incomes, securing high-quality and high-wage employment for all residents, helping people spot the signs of poverty, understanding why the borough has relatively high levels of debt, and additional support for those at most risk.

A particular emphasis is placed on digital inclusion which has become more important than ever in these post-pandemic times when so many of the best services, such as higher-interest savings accounts, are only available online.

All the aims, which were compiled from research undertaken last year, were influenced by Tameside Poverty Truth Commission and the views of people with genuine experience of hardship.

Cllr Eleanor Wills, Tameside Council’s executive member for population health and wellbeing, said: “Tackling poverty is one of our top priorities as an authority. The very least anyone should expect in 21st century Britain is a good education for their children and to be able to have a warm home and enough to eat.

“The charter shows that we are totally committed to tackling poverty. Wherever and whenever necessary we promise to press the Government to take action on poverty-related issues.

“I was proud to add my name to the new strategy, along with those of my colleagues. I’m confident that when the time comes for the next charter, in 2027, we will have made significant progress.”

Copies of “Building Resilience – Tackling Poverty in Tameside” cane be found at