Protecting Tameside children from exploitation

Date Released - 16/03/2023

TRAINING and awareness raising sessions along with daily patrols have been held as part of the Complex Safeguarding Week of Action, running from 13 – 17 March in Tameside and across Greater Manchester.

Teams from multiple agencies have been visiting parks and other areas young people congregate to raise awareness during the week of action. The Youth Justice Service also ran a session for their service users on the dangers of vehicle crime.

Child exploitation is a type of abuse. When a child or young person is exploited they’re groomed by being given things, like gifts, drugs, money, status and affection. This is usually in exchange for carrying out a criminal activity, known as Child Criminal Exploitation or performing sexual activities, known as Child Sexual Exploitation.

There was also free online awareness raising sessions for parents and carers in Tameside as well as briefings for professionals, such as teachers, social workers and health workers, during the week of action.

Cllr Bill Fairfoull, Tameside Council Deputy Executive Leader and Executive Member for Children and Families, said: “Child exploitation is a serious crime and one that many children and young people could fall victim to in our borough. By working with partner organisations we’ve been able to reach across the local community and raise awareness of its dangers and the signs parents, carers, family and friends should look out for.”

For further information on spotting signs of child exploitation and where to get help see and