Council’s Commitment to Children and Families

Date Released - 05/07/2023

Early intervention and achieving better outcomes for families is the focus for Tameside Council and its partners with the launch of their Early Help Strategy for the next three years.

The strategy has been developed to ensure children have the very best start in life, with the aim of delivering on the corporate priorities set out by the Council. The Early Help Partnership will oversee the delivery of the strategy, taking a collaborative approach to nurture resilient families and provide supportive networks to protect and grow our young people.

Councillor Bill Fairfoull - Deputy Executive Leader (Children and Families) commented:

“The Early Help Strategy for 2023 to 2026 will strengthen our approach to early intervention, providing families with the right help, from the right service, at the right time. Our multi-agency approach will help us work with key partners across Tameside to meet the needs of our young people and navigate potential risks early on.”

Building on these insights and best practice and in line with Tameside’s Framework for Help and Support, from 1 July, Children’s Services will launch the Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (EHASH). This service will be made up of colleagues from Children’s Social Care, Early Help health, education and the police and will be a single, integrated front door for families to access Targeted Family Help and Children’s Social Care.

The ‘Best Start for Life Offer’ is already underway with the recent opening of four Family Hubs across the borough. These initiatives are bringing existing family support services together by improving access and connections between families, professionals, services and providers.

To read more about the Early Help Strategy, visit Tameside Council’s website.