Bin crew dash to the aid of collapsed man

Date Released - 08/08/2023

A BIN crew became the fourth emergency service when they ran to the aid of an 84-year-old man who collapsed in the street.

Tameside Council crew members Patrick Cashin, Wes Ninian and Reece Lindsay were collecting bins on Queensway in Mossley when they saw the man, who hasn’t been named to protect his identity, fall.

They ran over to him and helped him to get back up. Noticing he was still very shaky and had a bad cut to his face and bruising, they called for an ambulance before helping him to his nearby home where his family were waiting.

The crew then continued on with their bin round.

Bin crew member Wes said: “We saw the older gentleman take a severe tumble whilst we were out working in the Mossley area and we went over to help him. We called an ambulance and manged to find out his address and walked him back home to his wife and son. They were very grateful for our help.  

“We were just glad to be there at the right place and right time to step in and help out and we hope he is recovering well.”

Tameside Council Executive Member responsible for Environmental Services Cllr Denise Ward said: “I’m proud of our crew for acting so quickly and compassionately to help this resident. Their instinctively caring response reflects how our frontline staff are an integral part of the community, often going above and beyond their roles to make a positive difference to local people’s lives.

“I wish the gentleman involved a speedy recovery and my thanks goes to the crew for helping him.”
