Pension Credit drop-ins coming to Ashton Market

Date Released - 05/12/2023

OLDER Tameside residents are urged to check their eligibility for Pension Credit and other related benefits as an estimated £7 million is unclaimed in Tameside and that around 3,279 are eligible but not claiming. Drop-in support sessions will take place in Ashton Indoor Market in December, led by Tameside Council’s Welfare Rights team, to help raise awareness, support residents in checking their eligibility and help with applications.  

Pension Credit gives people extra money to help with living costs if they are over State Pension age. Thousands of people across Greater Manchester are not receiving the support they are eligible for; this includes Pension Credit, Attendance Allowance, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support. Those who receive Pension Credit may also be entitled to help with health costs, a free TV licence and heating bills in winter.

Drop-in support sessions will provide help and advice regarding the Pension Top up.

Sessions in Ashton Indoor Market will be held on the following dates, all between 10am & 1pm:

Cllr Eleanor Wills, Tameside Council Executive Member for Population Health and Wellbeing, said: “If you’re one of our older residents, I encourage you to attend one of our Pension Credit drop-ins at Ashton Indoor Market. Our friendly and knowledgeable Welfare Rights team will talk you through what Pension Credit you’re entitled to, showing how to apply for this additional government support, as well as any other benefits you may be eligible for.”

For more information, advice and support on topping up a pension residents can also contact:

Independent Age by calling 0800 319 6789, 8:30am to 6:30pm Monday-Friday or email:

Check anonymously what benefits you are entitled to, online at

Age UK by calling 0161 308 5000 or emailing info&

Citizens Advice by calling 0808 278 7805 or emailing